
Steve Jobs

Last night sitting and watching Up All Night the special report that Steve Jobs had passed away came on. I was shocked, heart broken, and beyond words. 

We all had known that Steve was sick for some time but in my mind I guess I did not really realize the seriousness. I have never cried over someone I did not know passing away but after it sunk in I did. The impact he has had is immense. There is little I can explain as to why this has hit me so deeply other than my everyday, all my dreams, my passions all rely upon not just products but his ideas, innovations, and his passions he pursued all his life. I know not everyone can understand that, but when you realize what you do everyday may have never been what it is without this one person, it kind of hits you hard. 

I know that may all seem dramatic but he brought design to the forefront. He expected quality on every level, which made it clear that design, aesthetics, and good work were not an option but a mandatory expectation. I grew up using a Mac all of my life. I was not a snob it was just what I knew. My life and work would not be the same without the innovation and hard work he did. The passion he had for his work and to create a product(s) that was not simply useful but relevant and cultural. He proved that following your heart and what you love is possible in this world. 

So many times in life I have come back to quotes from him or have read his commencement speech to Stanford in 2005 and have felt renewed. His expectation of excellence was something I have always strived for in my life. His blind confidence  and the adversity he has over come in life has always been incredibly inspiring to me. 

This week was one of those weeks I was thinking I needed a Steve pick me up as I have felt really unsure in so many aspects of my life. I go through times when I doubt so many things about myself. I always come out with a new view but I feel there are some major leaps in life I am so afraid to make right now. I get scared, I feel I am not doing enough, and I lose confidence. So hearing about Steve's death placed life in a whole new perspective. Life is so short and precious and waiting to make decisions on things that you are simply afraid you will fail at is honestly silly like he has said so many times in his own way. 

Failure is hard but it can be a powerful and wonderful thing when we are able to evaluate what may have not worked, pick ourselves back up, and try again. We each have things like this we are waiting on but sometimes our fears take over. I plan to change that now. It's scary to embrace doing something different, there will be haters and that is okay. I think Steve said it best when he said:

"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma, which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary."

In your own way I hope you find  inspiration from Jobs. He is a true leader and possibly one of the best of this era. He will be so missed and it hurts to know someone like him is no longer on Earth but the legacy he has left will continue on. 

I had to write this because it has swirled in my head all night and I know I needed to get it out. My heart hurts today and I still feel empty in many ways by this, but there is a level of inspiration and excitement in me as well. My thoughts and prayers are with his family and dear friends. I cannot imagine the loss they feel in this time.

Create something beautiful today. Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish my friends. 

We love you Steve!