
Happy Weekend!

picture via: my iphone run through cross process and instagram

I took this picture last weekend on our first sailboating trip of the season. No that isn't our sailboat but instead neighbors but I loved it and how classic American summer it felt with the flag on the back blowing in the wind. It felt right for this weekend links post to lead you into the 4th of July holiday weekend. 

Anyways on to the weekend links! WOO HOO! I have not been reading a lot this week or been overly active in the internet world but I do have some great things that should be useful to celebrate both summer and our nation's independence.  

1. Some yes please yummy treats that I would love to make this weekend: Earl Grey Chocolate Cupcakes with Lavender frosting, Pink Lemonade Ice box Cake, and Meyer Lemon Vegan "Cheese" Cake

2. These drappy tops have won my heart: Tribal from Anthro, stripes from Modcloth, and Watercolor by Urban

3. Totally obsessed and inspired with the work of Luci Everett right now. I hope to bring this look into more of my work in the future. 

4. I am usually not into too many style blogs where people show their outfits but I am really inspired with a couple I came across this week. The first is Kendi Everyday and the other is Atlantic-Pacific. I think you guys will enjoy them both. 

5. A few spaces that inspired me this week: Modern/Rustic home, white and concrete kitchen, and Platform day bed

As always make sure to jump over to Simply Blue Weddings and check out my post today. All about forest inspiration for weddings!