So I was so excited this morning because I was up early and working right on time. I figured today would be the day I actually got everything done in one day! Obviously that is impossible for me because when I went to blog I started working on my posts for tomorrow thinking it was Thursday and not I am hoping to get to the garden post today if not I at least promise some garden inspiration at the least.
But I did have this post all ready and planned out so I was able to recover quicker than I expected to...WOOT!
For this week I wanted to share a really fun and upcoming artist in the folk world. As you know I am always trying to bring something a little fresh to your plate each week with this column so here we go. Melaena's work is unique and I am not sure I have ever heard anyone sound anything similar to her voice, style, or album.
Her debut album "Rattle the Windows" is organic and honestly what folk is meant to be. Her sound is contagious and truly artful. The album is both haunting at times but also has this upbeat folky sound that really makes me want to jump on a rope swing and drop into a river on a hot summer day.
This is a wonderful album to have in your collection and if you don't have it change it before she blows up because she will. It's surprising there has not been more about her yet. Not to mention she is one pretty lady.
Check out her sound here and her blog is great as well where she posts new work frequently. Check it all out.
Finally don't miss this live version of her singing a new song not even released yet. So soulful
Melaena Cadiz from mikael kennedy on Vimeo.