I mentioned the book ReWork at the beginning of the week and how it really made me think about my business and how I am running things. As the week has gone on more and more thoughts have come up about it.
I have gotten to a point in my business where as many of you know I have decided to move towards being predominately a blogger and secondly a designer. I love designing but I love the outlet that the blog has been for me. Recently I am more passionate about what I do here than I am about design. I realize I cannot do both 50% and expect the best outcome so instead I am taking fewer projects and pushing more here. This way the projects I take I can give my best to them and give the best to the blog.
The blog is going through a redesign and I am jumping into the blogging community through some exciting collaborations with other amazing bloggers. I never expected to do this or even dreamed of it when I was working my butt off towards getting a design degree, but here I am. Funny how things happen and passions are found.
All that to say, I know many of you are in similar situations as me. Maybe you work a day job and blog in the evenings because you really love it. Maybe you work a job you don't want to just to pay the bills and read your blogs every night and do pinterest dreaming of what you one day want to do. Maybe you are still in school and wondering where to head. Possibly you are doing exactly what you love but there are still goals to achieve in your mind.
Whatever you situation I have learned (and I am saying this because I need to hear it mostly) that life is too short to not pull the trigger on your dreams. I have been redesigning the new phase of The Fresh Exchange for almost 6 months now even before my readership increased. Why am I waiting? What am I thinking? If this is what I want let's make it happen right? I would tell you deep down it's fear of the unknowns I have not thought through or planned. It is the concern of getting what I want and being successful. Crazy, huh?!
That is exactly what ReWork has hit home to me. The idea that as "Starters" (not entrepreneurs) we cannot plan or fear the unknown, rather we write our own situations that can never be planned. So the longer we wait to make things happen for ourselves and make our ideas and dreams a reality the less likely they are to come alive.
Now I wish I could say I am magically turning on the new Fresh Exchange but I am not :( I can tell you that I have changed my daily routine to place the to do's of what I want to be doing first so they become a reality. I used to let all the other projects take the front seat and drive me everyday but now after this week that is all changing as I schedule out the next month. I have two -three days every week carved out for ONLY The Fresh Exchange and my collaborative projects. I feel so blessed to be able to do this because I know not many people can do this.
I know this will probably be one of the biggest growing periods for me as an individual and as a business owner and blogger, but I have my eyes on where I want to be and I am ready to make it a priority. Am I still scared? O MY GOODNESS YES! I am not someone to place myself first and I easily let others make decisions for me so this is a big decision and possibly the hardest. But I know this is what has to happen.
So now I really want to challenge you all to figure out a way to make your dreams happen. We are a world of "Starters" and we all have brilliant ideas but an idea is worth nothing till you make it a reality (more ReWork right there!). I really would love to talk to more of you individually about things you are planning so feel free to shoot me an email at hitchdesignstudio@gmail.com and we can talk more.
I am a pretty open book when it comes to ideas and things because I feel there are no trade secrets or inside knowledge in this day and age. The only original ideas are what you bring to the plate, which is every reason to be who you are everyday :) and not someone else.
Wow sorry that was a long post! But for real I want you all to know my struggles as a freelancer and blogger but also celebrate with you all as well. I know it's inspiring for me to read things like this from others so I hope it is the same when it comes from me! Hope you have enjoyed this wonderful summer day! I am hoping for some evening storms tonight to sleep to :)
image via: me (Megan Gilger)...you share it just credit back...GRACIAS! :)