The garden right now is producing enough tomatoes to feed an army. I pretty much am searching for EVERY tomato recipe possible to find ones that I can use to make these guys taste like heaven, which they already do on their own. Every meal right now contains tomatoes there is not an option of whether or not you want them. So when I came across this amazing recipe for heirlooms on Roost I knew not only was I going to have to attempt it but I really needed to share with you all.
If you have not heard of or read Roost and you love food you need to make sure you keep up with what Coco (isn't she so adorable?!) is cooking up on her blog. Not to mention everything is shot so perfectly that it rivals my love for What Katie Ate. So make sure you hop on over and find more wonderful and magical recipes like this on Roost. You will be planning your whole week around making these delectable gourmet level meals.