Image via: Edith Palermo
I wish I had a Monday Inspiration full of color and beautiful designs not that I haven't found inspiration in that today but words have been powerful in the last few days. All that keeps running through my head is Be Amazing. I cannot explain why...I have no idea where I heard it or even if I did hear it somewhere but it keeps making an appearance in my thoughts.
Life is so short and precious as we all remembered yesterday and maybe that is why I feel this way but I believe we must choose to be the best of ourselves each day. I am not sure what amazing is to you or how you gage such things in your life, but I hope each day this week you can find a way to be amazing in your way. When I live days that way I feel full and complete when I rest my head on my pillow at night. It's the best feeling.
Tomorrow is going to be one fun, crazy, intense day and I cannot wait to share it all with you. You all have inspired what is about to happen tomorrow and it's been a lot of dreaming, hard work, late nights, and a huge learning experience so I cannot wait for it all to come out in the open.
Stay up to date on twitter, facebook, and on here tomorrow. I promise it's going to be amazing!