
Etsy Spotlight: Son of Sailor

I am always searching for jewelry that truly feels original. I don't like things too complicated and I typically lean towards natural materials. This mean when I cam across the shop of Son of a Sailor, owned by William and Jessica, I knew I had found a match made in heaven. Their work is to the point, fun, and well devised. When I saw their work I was trying to restrain the amount of my monthly clothing budget I could spend on bracelets. These little gems are really perfect for the Fall. The colors will compliment many of the familiar hues we wear during the months of wind and cold, but they will bring a smile to your face when you look down while you are typing away at your desk. 

So hop on over to their Etsy shop to grab one for yourself as well as to check out their vintage shop as well. Also make sure to like them on Facebook to keep up with sales and new products. 

Hope your Tuesday is going well friends!! I am not sure about you but this cool morning called for a sweater, socks, and a good cup of hot coffee.