
Weekend Links

 image via: my iphone

This week has been a little crazy. I have been up late most evenings working and then waking up early most mornings. It doesn't make for a clear head but it is amazing what coffee can do in those situations. After next week I believe things will be able to feel a little more relaxed. I wish I could share EXACTLY why I have been so busy but let's just say you will not want to miss Tuesday on the blog next week. 

Other than lots of work the new blog design is under way and I really hope everything up and moved over by October! It is crazy to think about all the adjustment that is coming is a little much to think about but it is beginning to feel right and I am getting excited for the changes to happen. 

Next week my new portfolio site for Hitch Design will be being worked on and I have been wanting to do this for over a year. My business has changed dramatically in the last 8 months and my work has changed as well. I have not posted much or kept up on it here so I am excited to show what I have been doing recently and to have a site that is easy for me to maintain and is friendly to SEO and other marketing. 

After I accomplish that there are about 2 more major projects I have been dreaming of I want to get rolling. Maybe I am insane but I really love this. I am not sure if you caught my post this week about getting real but if you didn't check it out because it explains why all the adjustment to my business and some other personal things that have been happening in the last 6 months. 

Anyways tomorrow we are headed to shoot a wedding with Weber Photography and it is going to be a blast because we get to work with some of my Simply Blue Weddings friends Cherry Basket Farm and A Day in May Events. So very excited to spend the evening with some great people I have not seen enough of lately. 

Now for the weekend links:

1.The launch of Zara's shopping in the US has been quiet a time suck when I am not working or need to clear my mind. I believe I will buy a few things before I head to Salt Lake in January. Need some better winter things in the wardrobe.

2. I love having creative and brilliant friends. One my friends, Michael Newstead, is just launching his photography career and every time I see his work it blows me away especially this wedding he just posted. He is a man to watch for sure.

3. Loved the style of these teachers on Refinery 29 today.

4.From time to time I get the itch of being a mom but then come back to reality that I am only 24 and totally not there yet. Till then I will live vicariously through the glamour of motherhood on The Glow. Should make the hubby feel better.

5. I discovered the blog of Sophie over at Sunken Treasure. I am in love. Her style is wonderful and refreshing. Don't miss this one! Swoon!

Finally don't miss my post over at Simply Blue Weddings today I am drooling over that peach dress. It's killing me! 

Happy weekend dear friends!