
In The Winter

This winter has been different than most. I am used to waking up everyday in January to fresh snow but this year the winds have been less chilly, the days have seemed longer, and the snow seems to come less often. I have to say I am not about to complain. We went for a hike yesterday in the woods slipping on the ice under the week old snow and it was warm enough to not even wear mittens. Though it has seemed strange this winter has been pretty awesome. The weird weather has given me a lot of opportunity to spend time working instead of dreaming of skiing or walking around through the woods on a snowy day

Though I still have the hardest time waking up in the morning considering it is dark even at 7:30 I have been okay with this funny weather. But the worst part of it all is it is making me wish for summer and lazy days spent in the sun warm all over, but I think I feel that way every winter about this time of year. Still about 3 months to go till I can even say the words "let's go to the beach" but for now I will absorb the sunny days and enjoy the snow when it comes to visit. 

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